Health ·

Mediterranean diet

Ostania aktualizacja 27 January 2023

The Mediterranean diet is healthy for our heart. Is based on the basics of healthy nutrition. Additionally, it contains a bit of aromatic olive oil and a glass of red wine. It consists of ingredients that can be found in Mediterranean cuisine.

Mediterranean diet

This is a very health diet. It is rich in fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains. Unhealthy fats are also limited here. The right proportions have a positive effect on our heart.

The benefits of a Mediterranean diet

Studies have shown that a traditional Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of heart disease. Lowers bad LDL cholesterol. It is susceptible to accumulation of deposits in the arteries. The Mediterranean diet is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular death as well as overall mortality.

It is also associated with a reduced incidence of cancer and Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Women who use a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil and various nuts have a lower risk of developing breast cancer.

That is why large scientific organizations encourage the Mediterranean diet. Prevents serious chronic diseases.

Key ingredients of the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet draws attention to:

  • plant-based products such as fruit and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts,
  • replaces butter with healthy fats such as olive oil and rapeseed oil,
  • using herbs and spices instead of salt to season dishes,
  • limiting red meat to several times a month,
  • eating fish and poultry at least twice a week,
  • shared meals with family and friends,
  • drinking red wine in moderation (optional),
  • physical activity.

The Mediterranean diet traditionally includes fruit, vegetables, pasta and rice. For example, the inhabitants of Greece eat very little red meat. On average, nine out of ten meals a day are rich in antioxidants contained in fruits and vegetables.

Cereal products are very healthy and contain whole grains. They have very few unhealthy trans fats, and bread is an important part of the diet. However, throughout the entire Mediterranean region, bread is served alone or dipped in olive oil. It is not spread with butter or margarine, which contain saturated or trans fats.

Nuts are another important part of a healthy Mediterranean diet. They are high in fat (about 80% of calories come from fat). However, most fats are unsaturated. Nuts contain a lot of calories, which is why they cannot be eaten in large quantities. You can usually eat a maximum of a handful per day. Avoid candied, dipped in honey or salted nuts.

Healthy fats

The Mediterranean diet focuses on reducing total fat intake. It is important to make wise choices about the types of fat you eat. The Mediterranean diet advises against saturated fats and hydrogenated oils (trans fats) that contribute to heart disease.

The Mediterranean diet uses olive oil as the main source of fat. Provides monounsaturated fat. It can help reduce bad LDL cholesterol. Olive oil replaces saturated or trans fats. Extra virgin and virgin olive oil contains the least processed forms. They also have the highest levels of protective plant compounds. They have antioxidant properties.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are found in rapeseed oil and some nuts. They contain beneficial linoleic acid (a type of omega-3 fatty acid). Omega-3 fatty acids lower triglyceride levels. They reduce blood clotting. In this way, they reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. They reduce blood clotting. They are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. It improves the health of blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.

Fatty fish such as mackerel, trout, sardines, tuna and salmon are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish is very important in the Mediterranean diet.


The Mediterranean diet usually contains a moderate amount of wine. This means no more than 148 milliliters of wine a day for women (or men over 65). Men under 65 should not drink more than 296 milliliters of wine. However, if you have heart or liver disease, refrain from drinking wine or any alcohol.

The most important advantages

Prevents heart disease and stroke. After the Mediterranean diet, it limits the consumption of refined breads, processed foods and red meat. It is better to drink red wine than strong alcohol. All factors help prevent heart disease and stroke.

Nutrients in the Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of muscle weakness and other signs of weakness. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Increases longevity. It protects against type 2 diabetes. It is worth introducing proper eating habits. Start with small steps.

Let’s fry in olive oil, not butter. Let’s eat more fruit and vegetables. Let’s choose whole grain cereal products rather than refined breads, rice and pasta. Eat fish instead of red meat, at least twice a week. Let’s limit fat milk to skim (1-2%) or non-fat.

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