Ostania aktualizacja 8 October 2024
The carrier will be insured for non-performance or improper performance of the conditions of the contract of carriage. It is useful in the event of theft, damage or destruction of goods, or delivery delay. At the same time, customers gain certainty and security that services will be properly performed, and in the event of any deficiencies, they can count on compensation. Increasingly, they do not decide to choose a transport company that does not have such insurance. On the other hand, insurance companies guarantee different responsibilities, but their offer does not differ much.
Most insurers protect shipping companies against possible destruction or damage to goods as a result of fire, breakdown, accident or theft from a guarded parking lot. Of course, the transport company and the driver have a number of obligations, if they do not comply with them, they can not count on compensation. However, sometimes the insurance company protects the customer, even if the fault was caused by a gross mistake or willful misconduct of the driver.
How much does OCP cost?
Insurance companies often use different rules for calculating the OCP premium. Usually the following are considered:
- annual net turnover from transport services (the premium increases with the increase in turnover),
- the amount of the guarantee sum,
- type of goods transported.
Remember that we can always negotiate the premium. Often, insurance companies do not take responsibility for the transport of dangerous goods and increased risk, e.g.
- drugs
- money
- documents
- works of art
- live animals,
- electronics,
- alcohol,
- tobacco.
Usually, additional insurance is required for such goods.
What should we remember before buying OCP?
First of all, we need to check the list of exemptions for basic insurance. We need to know when the social security institution will not pay us compensation.
Types of OCP
We can talk about national and international OCP. There are two territorial ranges of insurance activities. Their difference results from various legal acts. Both regulations (Polish transport law and CRM Convention in international transport law) specify a different scope of responsibility of the entrepreneur who offers transport services. Insurance companies are thus adapting their OCP offer.
First of all, remember that OCP is a contract that relates to the carrier’s civil liability insurance. By purchasing OCP, financial responsibility can be transferred to the insurer if there is damage. It can function in both domestic and international transport.
Expert help
It is worth using the assistance of an insurance expert. He will advise on the development of the best carrier’s OCP insurance conditions. Offers can be prepared in several versions and are addressed to carriers generating revenues from transport activities. We distinguish two groups of carriers, achieving revenues of up to PLN 2 million and above PLN 2 million.
There is another group of carriers that may be interested in buying OCP. These are carriers using buses up to 3.5 tonnes. Each of the offers prepared by an expert takes into account the specifics of the business and includes extensions that are mandatory for a given type of transport.
OCP for bus carriers up to 3.5 tonnes
These carriers usually have a special offer. They gain optimal protection at an attractive price. Some offers guarantee the same scope of insurance, both for domestic and international transport, as well as for cabotage operations carried out within the EU. Thanks to the appropriate structure of the offer, OCP optimally protects the carrier’s interest. The carrier can also save a lot on the premium. This is especially important considering that the premium can be up to PLN 1,500.
Cabotage traffic
Some insurance companies also guarantee OCP for cabotage operations. Good insurers ensure the conclusion of the contract for almost all EU countries and Norway. That is why such an offer is very beneficial.
The legal provisions regulating cabotage traffic in the EU were harmonized in May 2010. However, we must not forget about regular individual member states. The selection of the right OCP policy depends on the law of separate EU countries. Such a policy should also cover cabotage operations. Most often Polish transport companies carry out cabotage transport in Germany and France.
Not every member country will require a carrier offering cabotage transport to have a special OCP policy. Therefore, always ask an expert before buying a policy.